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The June Featured Volunteer...

Learn about an active local volunteer!

Ngiste Abebe, AB '09

Communications Chair

How long have you lived in DC (or the surrounding areas)?
2 years
Where was your favorite place to study on campus? 
A nook with a window in the 4th floor special collections room in the Reg. But by fourth year it was Jimmy's. A lot can be accomplished over a pitcher. 

The Onion or the Washington Post?

The Onion. 

Which is your favorite DC metro line (i.e., Green, Red, Blue)?


What activity would you recommend to those new to the city?

Either the Portrait Gallery or the Phillips Collection. Good art, and both are close to good brunches, too.   

What is the last book your read?

Uncommon Sense by Becker and Posner. Fitting timing for this! 

What is your favorite restaurant?

Good Stuff Eatery. 

What was your favorite class?

Self, Culture, and Society. Basically all the best parts of UChicago rolled into one. 

Who was your favorite professor?

Rocky Kolb. He made that science core class absolutely enthralling. 

What is on your DC bucket list?

Run the Army 10 miler. 


Do you know a volunteer who deserves to be featured?

Email Gahan Christenson at .