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Live Webcast- San Francisco Harper Lecture with Hillary Chute
  Hillary Chute, Neubauer Family Assistant Professor in English  
San Francisco Harper Lecture: Forms and Formats of Autobiography

Cost: Free
No Registration Required
Unable to attend the San Francisco Harper Lecture with Hillary Chute? Participate remotely via the webcast.

Hillary Chute will offer a brief history of different contemporary forms of autobiographical practice, from zine making to autobiographical comics to photography and filmmaking. There has recently been an explosion of all sorts of mixed-media autobiographies in print, even in an age where print is said to be waning. Chute will assess the rise of formats like comics and zines to address the self, offering a history of their emergence and suggesting how they conceptualize the self (as well as how they are finding their place within the academy).

Please note that the webcast will begin promptly at 7:00 PM PST (10:00 PM EST).
Event Contact
Kate Heilman

Staff Liaison
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Event Information
Thursday, Apr 24 2014 at 10:00pm - 11:30pm [ iCal ]