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"The Originalist" at Arena Stage
  Photo credit: Photo of Edward Gero by Tony Powell  
This exciting production includes mentions of UChicago and runs March 6 through April 26. Get your tickets today!

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Four-time Helen Hayes Award winner Edward Gero (Red) stars as one of America’s most brilliant and polarizing figures: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. When a liberal Harvard Law graduate embarks on a clerkship with Justice Scalia, she finds him to be both an infuriating sparring partner and an unexpected mentor. How will their relationship affect one of the most incendiary cases ever to reach the nation’s highest court? Find out in this daring world premiere about passionate people risking heart and soul to defend their version of the truth. Written by John Strand, directed by Molly Smith.



This event is not sponsored by the Alumni Club of DC, however individual and group tickets are available through Arena Stage.



Staff Liaison
Mari Meyer


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